Odor Xpert

odor xpert

We at OdorXpert offer the best Cat Odor Removal service in Lincoln

Cat Odor Removal Lincoln

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Are you tired of living with the unpleasant stench of cat urine in your home? Look no further! OdorXpert has got you covered. Our expert team provides top-notch Cat Odor Removal services in Lincoln that guarantee to eliminate all odors and leave your space smelling fresh and clean. Say goodbye to embarrassing smells and hello to a comfortable, odor-free environment. Keep reading to learn more about why we are the best at what we do!

What is Cat Odor?

Cat odor is a chemical scent that is released when cats relieve themselves. It can be a major problem in homes with multiple cats, as the scent can spread quickly and become overwhelming. There are several ways to remove cat odor, including topical treatments, air fresheners, and odor-eliminating products.

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Types of Cat Odor

There are three main types of cat odor: body odor, urine odor, and feces odor. Each type has its own specific causes and requires a different approach to removal. Body odor is primarily caused by sweat and sebum production. It can be exacerbated by stress, diet, exercise, or illness. To remove body odor, you’ll need to remove the cause(s) and promote airflow throughout the cat’s skin. Some cats respond well to topical treatments such as clove oil or cornstarch paste applied to their skin several times a day. Others may require more aggressive treatment with oral supplements or surgery to remove tumors or blockages in the nose that are causing excessive sweating. Urine odor is typically caused by bacteria in the urine breaking down organic material in the bladder. This process produces ammonia and other urea compounds, which act as natural odors. To reduce urine odor, you’ll need to reduce the number of bacteria in the cat’s system through regular litter cleaning and disinfecting practices, as well as treatment with antibiotics if necessary. Treatment with OdorXpert Odor Eliminator can also help eliminate urine odors from small spaces like closets and furniture. Feces odor is usually caused by bacteria multiplying in the intestines after eating something that smells bad (like decomposing food). To reduce fecal smell, feed your cat fresh food instead of processed foods, provide plenty of clean water and vitamins daily, and keep your cat occupied so it

Causes of Cat Odor

There are many reasons why a cat may produce an unpleasant odor. Some common causes of feline odor include: -Obesity -Diabetes -Illness -Hairballs -Urinary problems, including diabetes and blockages -Poor diet

How Does OdorXpert Get Rid of Cat Odor?

OdorXpert uses a variety of techniques to get rid of cat odor. Our team specializes in using the latest technology and equipment to get your house to smell great again. We use a combination of steam, and ultraviolet light to break down the odors that are causing your cat to smell bad. Plus, we always use safe and effective products that won’t harm your cat or damage your home. We know that getting rid of cat odor can be challenging, but we’re here to help. 

How Often Should I Call OdorXpert for Service?

OdorXpert is the leading Cat Odor Removal service in Lincoln, NE. We offer a wide range of services that can help get rid of cat odors, from deep cleaning to odor neutralization. To get the best results, it’s important to call us regularly for service. Our technicians are experienced in removing pet odors and will continue to improve their skills over time. By scheduling regular visits from OdorXpert, you’ll be able to keep your home smelling great!

How OdorXpert Can Help

OdorXpert is a Lincoln-based company that specializes in the removal of cat odor. We offer a wide range of services to meet the needs of our clients, including individualized consultations, odor removal treatments, and odor prevention tips. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing the best possible service and results. Our years of experience ensure that we always deliver on our promises, and we will always go above and beyond to ensure that you are satisfied with our work. We understand how important it is to keep your home smelling fresh, and we are here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation so that we can discuss your specific needs and see how OdorXpert can help!


OdorXpert uses a unique, patented process that eliminates odors from the source. We start by consulting with our clients to find out what type of odor they are experiencing and then develop a customized treatment plan. We use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to get rid of the smell fast.
Immediately clean up the area with warm, soapy water and disinfect it with a household bleach solution or an antibacterial cleaner. If the area is large, call us for assistance. You can also try placing baking soda on the spot and scrubbing it with a brush. Be sure to ventilate the room well after cleaning to avoid the smell returning.
The OdorXpert Cat Odor Removal service is a comprehensive solution that removes cat odors from your home. We use advanced technologies and methods to eliminate odors, leaving your home smelling fresh and new.

The OdorXpert Process

At OdorXpert, we understand that cat odors can be a major nuisance. That’s why we offer the best Cat Odor Removal service in Lincoln. Our team of experts uses the latest technology and procedures to get rid of cat odor quickly and effectively. We use proven methods such as steam extraction, and desiccant treatment. Plus, we always use safe and effective products that won’t harm your pet or the surrounding environment. So if you’re looking for a reliable Cat Odor Removal service in Lincoln that will get the job done right, then contact us today!

What are the Costs for OdorXpert’s Cat Odor Removal Service?

OdorXpert offers the best Cat Odor Removal service in Lincoln. Our team of experts has years of experience in dealing with pet smells and can quickly remove any odor from your cat or dog. Our pricing is also very reasonable, with prices starting at just per room. Plus, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our services. So whether you need help removing a small odor or want to get rid of an entire roomful of odors, we’re the perfect solution for you!


If you’re looking to get your cat or dog’s smell under control, OdorXpert is the perfect solution. We use professional-grade techniques and equipment to get rid of odors quickly and effectively, so you can rest assured that your pet will stay safe and odor-free while you’re away. Schedule a free consultation today to learn more about our services!